TheACCA Advanced Audit and Assurance(AAA) exam is designed to test examinees regarding their knowledge and skills in analysing, evaluating and making conclusions on assurance engagement and other audit and assurance issues based on best practices and current developments.
The level of accounting knowledge for the AAA is aligned with the SBR syllabus. Students are encouraged to sit and pass the SBR before attempting the AAA exam.
Preethy Joseph
Sarah Kelani
OurAdvanced Audit and Assurance coursesyllabus covers:
Regulatory environment
Professional and ethical considerations
Quality management
Planning and conducting an audit of historical financial information
Completion, review and reporting
Other assignments
Current issues and developments
Professional skills
Employability and technology skills
Exam structure
The AAA exam is entirely compulsory. The exam is a 3-hour-and-15-minute written paper with a 50% pass mark.
Download the complete AAA syllabus and study guidehere.